02 December 2016

My Final Presentation Finished!

Political Fact Checking: How to Defuse a War of Words and Keep the Family Intact

This is a Google Slides presentation. If you view it in editing mode, you can see my notes underneath. You can actually make the notes section larger by grabbing the upper border and pushing it up.

I don't expect your presentations to be as long or as detailed or even have the exact same layout. First, I am a professional.and passionate about research. Second, each topic is different and requires different formats, search tools, types of sources, and more.

See you on Monday!

11 September 2016

Sample Scenario

Evaluating Political Claims:

This has been a very contentious election year with charges of lying and untrustworthiness made against both candidates. You have two pairs of uncles and aunts who are supporting different candidates and arguing about politics at family gatherings and in e-mail exchanges. The rest of the family is tired of it and has asked you to come up with some way(s) for them to determine what is true and what is false on both sides. What do you recommend?